Remote Sensing Methods

Remote sensing methods are manipulations or analysis of image data that comes from one or more . From the perspective of rangeland management, the goal of a remote sensing method is to extract information that is directly related to a management question or to create additional data layers that are correlated to what you’re ultimately interested in. It is common to employ several different remote sensing steps en route to getting the information needed to meet a management objective. To help people connect the dots, we are developing workflows to explain how a method can be used in conjunction with other methods and suggest process chains of different methods that have successfully been used in combination to answer rangeland management questions.

This list below contains some of the most commonly used remote sensing methods but is not comprehensive. We will continue to add to this list over time, but if you are looking for information on a method that is not listed below, or if you are familiar with a method and would like to contribute to an abstract, please contact us.

3 Dimensional Modeling

Vegetation/Greenness Indices

Biophysical Parameter Estimates

Classification Techniques

Data Transformations/Enhancement Techniques

Spatial Prediction Techniques

Thermal Remote Sensing Products

Riparian Valley Bottom Mapping

Riparian Vegetation Mapping

Inventorying Riparian Areas

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